Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Signs of a Foot Fracture

Did you know that one n 10 broken bones involve the feet? These injuries can occur in any of the 26 bones making up your foot, from your toes to your heel and ankle.
Common causes of foot fractures include:
- Tripping and falling
- Missteps
- Impact, like dropping something on your foot
- Car accidents
However, you don’t need to experience a traumatic event to break a bone in your foot. You can also develop hairline cracks or stress fractures in your feet from the repetitive force, overuse, or from conditions that weaken your bones, like osteoporosis.
Whether you hurt your foot in an obvious way or not, you should never ignore the signs of a problem, especially when you have pain. As a skilled orthopedic trauma surgeon, Dr. Jared Tadje specializes in sports medicine and fracture care. If you have these symptoms, he can help at Tadje Orthopaedics in Meridian, Ohio.
Spotting the signs of a problem
Sometimes a broken bone is impossible to ignore, especially when it causes a significant deformity. However, broken bones in the foot can be hard to detect with the naked eye, especially when you have a stress fracture.
Instead, Dr. Tadje recommends watching for the following symptoms:
- Pain or tenderness
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Limping or difficulty walking
- Being unable to bear weight on your foot
A broken bone in the foot can also trigger immediate or throbbing pain, and it often worsens with activity but recedes when you rest.
Why you shouldn’t ignore a foot fracture
If you think you have any symptoms of a broken bone, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially when it occurs in your foot.
Without proper treatment, you run the risk of your bones not healing correctly or in proper alignment. Not only does this cause persistent pain, but it can impact your ability to walk indefinitely. Even if you have a tiny stress fracture, these types of breaks can worsen with time, leading to severe pain.
Additional issues that can develop from foot fractures include:
- Arthritis
- Bone infections
- Nerve or blood vessel damage
Plus, ignoring stress fractures can leave you vulnerable to developing more of these breaks in the future. However, seeking expert care can help you heal correctly and avoid ongoing problems.
Fracture care for your feet
In addition to his extensive experience in orthopedic medicine, Dr. Tadje also completed a fellowship in sports medicine and fracture care. This advanced training enables him to provide specialized and personalized care to people with foot fractures, especially athletes.
Dr. Tadje uses several methods to treat a broken foot, depending on the severity of the injury and bone involved. After determining the precise location of your fracture, Dr. Tadje could recommend:
- The RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation)
- Crutches or other devices to limit weight-bearing on the area
- A compression dressing, boot, stiff-soled shoe, or cast to treat the break
- Surgery to repair damage and restore alignment
If you have stress fractures, Dr. Tadje can determine if your injuries developed from training or an underlying condition, like osteoporosis. If you have an overuse injury, Dr. Tadje can provide personalized guidance to support your recovery and help you avoid reinjury in the future.
Dr. Tadje can also offer recommendations for stress fractures associated with osteoporosis. These treatments could involve medications, supplements, and physical therapy exercises designed to improve bone strength.
Don’t ignore foot pain or other signs of a foot fracture. Contact Tadje Orthopaedics to schedule a consultation by calling 208-515-2654 or booking a visit online today.
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